Thursday, June 14, 2012

Wai Kru Day

Teachers are well respected in Thailand and at the start of every year there is a day of teacher appreciation. It is known as Wai Kru Day and always held on a Thursday in June. At my school the ceremony was held last Thursday morning. All the students gathered together in an assembly and the teachers walked onto the stage in their year levels and sat in chairs. The students then presented the teachers with a specially made gift and kissed the ground at their feet as the teachers 'wai' the students. To wai in Thailand means to place your hands together in a prayer like motion and slightly bow your head. It is the common way to greet somebody in Thailand.
I actually took part in the ceremony twice. I was ushered onto the stage one time and was presented with a gift the students made which I immediately gave to the student who was hiding behind me before I walked off the stage. I was ushered onto the stage again when one year level did not have enough teachers to fill the seats.
I enjoyed participating in the ceremony and it was just another example of an event which happens in Thailand which would never happen in Australia.

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