Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Valentine's Day

The most significant change in my life in the last month is that I know have a girlfriend. My girlfriend Prang is a Maths teacher in Secondary at St Louis School, the same school I teach at. For the last few months I had spoken to her a few times although I had never had the courage to ask her out for dinner.
One Friday night in January I decided it was time to ask her to dinner and I felt good about it. A few weeks later Prang was my girlfriend. The first big test though was Valentine's Day and it wasn't a great success.
I had no idea how much of a big deal Valentine's Day was in Thailand therefore I had not got Prang anything not even a rose. I turned up to school in the morning and on my desk was a large rose and teddy bear. A little embarrassing but many of the other teachers had also received gifts so it was not too bad.
My Valentine's gift to Prang was going to be a dinner out together at a restaurant. Easy enough only I do not know a lot of good spots to eat in the city so I asked Prang to decide. We ate at a nice restaurant which had only recently opened on the edge of the river.
I am guessing Valentine's Day was also the restaurants first big test as the staff did not seem to be able to cater for all the guests. We waited well over two hours for our meal and forgot to bring our food then still tried to charge us for food we had never been served. Also because of the wait I was quite hungry and not a very pleasant dinner partner.
All in all the day was not a great success. Luckily Prang is still my girlfriend and we went out again the following night to a different restaurant for a dinner together.

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