In the car again and we set out for Kakadu. We entered from the south stopping at Edith Falls just outside Katherine on the way. Kakadu National Park covers 20,000 square kilometres and I read if you drive every road and walk every track you can still only see 1 per cent of the whole park. The sun was setting fast late in the day and although there was still so much to explore it was too dangerous to go driving at night so we set up camp at a spot just south of yellow water.
The sun in northern Western Austra
Again we didn't stay long and made our way to the Nouralangie Rock to hear a talk about aboriginal life. The talk was undertaken by a non-aboriginal ranger which was a little disapointing as I was hoping to hear from a local. Jabiru is the main centre for Kakadu, it is the main shopping centre and where the hotels are located. There really was nothing there though and after five minutes we got back in the car and set for the Northern exit of Kakadu.
There is a crocodile jumping boat on the Adelaide River where crocs jump out of the water for food. I thought it would be quite interesting so we set to catch the last boat and were making good time till the back left tyre on the car decided to blow up. Without any warning or hitting anything the tyre exploded and Campbell swerved to get off the road with the car trailing close behind only just missing us.
I let Campbell set about fixing the tyre in the very hot afternoon sun and he got the tyre off but when doing so the whole car dropped off the jack. We were in trouble. Campbell put the jack back under the car and started winding but it did not seem to be doing anthing. There was no coverage so calling for assistance was not happening instead he stood by the side of the road and waved down the next car to see if they could assist.
It just so happened the next car was an army truck as part of a convoy and they pulled over got out and started winding the car back up and put the tyre on. The army crew were on their way to get some lunch and were not hassled by having to stop. All things back to normal and we were driving again. The croc show was now a no go and we would have to keep moving to get to Darwin before dark.
The only other stop we made was at the Humpty Doo Hotel for a drink in what is a world famous pub. I am guessing its world famous for the name rather than its location or the pub itself but I was happy to be able to say I have had a beer at the Humpty Doo Hotel.
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