Thursday, August 5, 2010

Leaving Guernsey

Four and a half months after arriving on Guernsey I boarded a plane again and left the island. I had said goodbye to all my mates at Hotel Jerbourg. The last couple of nights after work I enjoy a few drinks with all the crew and prepared myself to leave.

I also said goodbye to my girlfriend Jess once again not knowing if I would ever see her again. This was quite a difficult thing to do. Although we had left each other before this time was different because we were possibly never going to see each other again.

A couple of weeks before I left the island one of my University mates Max flew over and stayed a few days. It was great to see a fimiliar face and the opportunity to show a friend around an island I had grown to like and call home for a few months.

I left Guernsey and arrived back in the city London. The initial shock to the body was intense. The business of the roads and pedrestian traffic was something I had to once again get used to.

My arrival in London coincided with my friend Leah's birthday. So I spent my one free day drinking with her and her friends at bars in Notting Hill.

The following morning I waited out the front of the hostel in London to get picked up and once again tour Europe.

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