I taught 18 lessons for the week to 14 different classes starting with the secondary one students on their first day of high school and also taught to classes of secondary 6 in their final year of school.
As well as asking the students what they did on the holiday I asked what the students knew about Australia. 'Kangaroos and Koalas' were always the first answers but their wasn't a lot else they knew. Only one student mentioned the Great Barrier Reef and very few could tell me the capital is Canberra.
A couple of big differences from school last semester to this semester is that I am now teaching alone in every lesson. Therefore I have to discipline the students as well as teach. Luckily in my first week this was not an issue as the students were all well behaved.
Another difference is their are only two classrooms in which I teach which have air-conditioning and in many of the classrooms the fans at the front are broken or completely ripped off the ceiling. It's hot in the classrooms luckily the staff office has air-conditioning so I go and cool off at the end of each lesson.